Who I Am

I am so very grateful for you taking the time to stop here and look around!! My hope is that we will be able to meet in person!!

I live near Denali National Park, I have lived in this area most of my life. I am a wife, a mother to two amazing boys and I know that if it weren't for the grace of God and his love, I would not be where I am today.

Some of the things I enjoy are spending time at home, as well as anywhere my family is, Bible studies, my little dogger (Dyna), teaching Chair One Fitness, watching movies, playing games and laughing my face off!!!

I have always loved photography..always, however when I became a Mom in 2001 (I know!!) my love really increased as I wanted to be able to document everything about my child. On and off for the now almost two decades I have dabbled in and out of it. I had a studio set up and did weddings. Fast forward to the present and in early 2022 I was asked to do a wedding and I accepted the honor. Little did I know it was a blessing in disguise because the past two years I have dealt with some health issues, severe anxiety and severe OCD, my love for photography has helped me grow and relearn some things I needed too, but also it helped me be brave. My reason for telling you this little tid bit is, I wanted you to know that it is not just and only my passion, it has really helped me regain my confidence. So, what I photograph, I photograph with my heart and all of my muchness.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9